Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Bath and Body Works Signature Collection

Moisturising Shampoos and Conditioners

When I was a kid, I remember my parents seldom/never (?) buy me kids' shampoo. I would just use whatever shampoo was available in the toilet..shampoo 'org tua' lah..macam sunsilk kah..dulu ada brand shampoo namanya Vosene, i think hehe. But I was never that fussy..mana saja lah..asal cuci rambut. I even used the soap to wash my hair and I was happy, never complained. I think I didnt realise that shampoos for kids were available that time.
Those were the days...cuba tah ani..memilih kali ah kanak-kanak sekarang ani! Lisa, my 5 year old girl..picks her own shampoo..yang princess lah..itu lah ..ini lah..now she's buying Loreal kids shampoo kah?? But..they do smell great on them.

Anyway, when I studied at overseas, wahhh banyak jenis shampoo available..I tried out sooooo many shampoos like VO5, Alberta, Pantene, Wella...ada yang warna greenish bluish bottle yang 2 in 1 kah or 3 in 1 kah..yang ada iklannya d TV dulu d UK i remember "..now..I just wash and go.."..antah apa kah lagi even the supermarkets ones I tried. But for donkey years somehow..I stuck to just Pantene. I dont know why (???) - really. Atu kali ganya yang paling femus kali...hmmm(???)
But now I've been using the VS and BBW hair and body products..My hair feels lighter, not greasy and it smells really nice. Mun lapis tudung lama inda becuci...kalah tu bau lapis tudung atu! Inda tecium lagi bau masam or hapak hahahaha (eh siok sendiri aku ketawa ah..hehe)

Available in Moonlight Path, Cherry Blossom, Sweet Pea and Warm Vanilla Sugar.

We sell them in a set - shampoo & conditioner -

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